The last week here in Ogden, Utah, has been very interesting. The 4th of July came and went this year with a bang, as usual. We had a small barbeque in the backyard with our hosts, Dawnelle and John, and their neighbors. Afterward, there was a little bit of hopping around, as the men started tossing poppers at the kids, and setting off the small bit of fireworks they had. It was a fun evening, the food was great, and the company was nice.
My aunt and uncle were in town, so we made plans to meet up with them for dinner. It was real nice to see them again, I had spent a few summers at their home in Fort Worth when I was growing up, and it had been several years since I’d been able to connect up with them. I always marveled at genetics, and how family genes carried down the line. Our family line runs real strong, but I could always tell the difference between my grandmother’s side and my grandfather’s side. My father and I tend toward my grandfather’s side, my uncle tends toward my grandmother’s. But the family resemblance is real strong, and the relationship is undeniable.
We planned to meet them at Cracker Barrel (of course). Robert and I got there first, and we were milling around the little store area while we waited. As soon as they walked in, I felt their smiles as they spotted us and walked toward us. They are very soft spoken and gentle souls, and it was a wonderful reunion, as we shared stories of our misadventures, and caught up with their lives. My uncle is our family historian, and he takes care of our genealogy lines. He was in Salt Lake City, working on getting birth certificates and death certificates for our ancestors. I am excited to report that he is on the verge of breaking into the 1700’s with his research, which is quite the accomplishment for a Mexican family, as most of the records in Mexico were either burned, destroyed, or mutilated by lack of care.
As the dinner progressed, we talked with them about our lives, and the turns it had taken. And we talked about what we were teaching now, which is helping people re-balance and re-focus their lives for the better through Self-Perpetuating Evolution. Dinner ended, but our conversation was still going strong, so we went back to their room to continue our visit. We spoke of faith, of love, of growth, and did a lot of learning. At midnight, we cut our visit and planned on getting together again the next day. When we got home, we felt so peaceful, we went straight to sleep, feeling very loved and secure.
The van was delivered on Wednesday, and our minds started to settle. We now knew it would be a matter of days before it was done, and we were glad, because we were starting to get restless. It was one thing to stop because we wanted to, and another to be stranded without a vehicle, dependant on others. We try to be good company, as unexpected visitors we have been spending time in the trailer, so as not to disturb the normal pattern of the household. And with my uncle and aunt in town, we’ve been spending time with them. So it has worked out all the way around.
Today is Monday, and the van is almost done. We had a mechanic friend working on it for us, and we’re grateful that he is willing to help us out. So, hopefully today we’ll have the keys and be ready to pack up tonite to set out tomorrow morning.
We have found that, no matter how much we plan, we do not control our path. Instead of fretting and worrying about it, we’ve taken the opportunities given to us to explore the area we are in, and to make the most of it. And we’re happier for it, we’ve added a great deal to our portfolio and had some good visit time with friends, old and new. So, off we will head, tomorrow morning, in search of new adventures and friends. We will head toward Las Vegas, and hope that we can drive straight through. But, if we get stopped along the way, we’ll take that time to look around and enjoy the scenery. And just breathe.
**** Now available on our hub site, our pamphlet “Self Perpetuating Evolution”. Please feel free to download your copy. Distribution permitted in original form only.

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